Adopted by President's Cabinet 6/25/19

十大彩票平台(EGSC)是我们的学生,教师和工作人员的合作伙伴 在追求身心健康的同时,良好的做法,并切合实际 教育. We are aware that well-being is a responsibility for everyone who has contact 和我们的学生. During the last few decades, college campuses across the state 这个国家经常面临涉及个人经历衰退的问题 心理健康方面. The following is a list of common warning signs when someone may be experiencing 心理危机:

    • 一个人威胁要伤害自己或他人,并发表声明 比如"我要自杀" "我要杀了他" "我真希望我死了" or "I wish I hadn't been born"
    • 一个人制定了结束自己生命的计划——买枪或囤积药片
    • An individual is preoccupied with death, dying or violence
    • An individual is giving away his or her belongings without a logical explanation
    • An individual says goodbye to people as if they won't see him or her again
    • 一个人正在经历幻觉(看、听、感觉和品尝) 不存在的东西),妄想(相信他或她有活蛇 在他或她的身体内部)或偏执的想法(相信他或她是存在的) watched by the government or everyone is out to get him or her)
    • An individual has trouble speaking clearly 和 organizing thoughts
    • 一个人正在经历情绪波动(可能有一天情绪高涨和悲伤) 和 deeply discouraged the next
    • 一个人可能会突然陷入危险和自我毁灭的行为,比如 as drinking 和 using drugs
    • 一个人表达了对欺凌等情况的困住或绝望感, harassment or recent assault

虽然我们可以希望在我们的大学里发生有限数量的心理危机 校园,准备和适当的反应是成功解决这些问题的关键 的情况下. The Office of Student Affairs at EGSC in collaboration with the Office 咨询和残疾服务中心将提供管理方面的教育和支持 behavioral health issues for students. Faculty 和 staff will receive 教育 throughout 这一年一般需要了解信息,为他们的交往做好准备 classroom 和 across campus. Resident Assistants (RA's), student life personnel, intramural 工人、住房工作人员和体育人员可以接受额外的教育 他们可能更有可能与经历过这种疾病的人进行密切接触 心理危机.

程序 for managing a Psychological Crisis Between 8:00 a.m. 下午5点.m. (Swainsboro /斯泰茨伯勒 校园): 

如果个人经历了心理危机,教师、主管 or the first person on the scene will: 

    • Call an EGSC Counselor to assess 这种情况. The EGSC Counselor will determine 如果GA危机和访问热线将呼叫者与训练有素的专业人员联系起来,他们将提供 与心理健康危机、发育障碍、 和 substance abuse crises) needs to be contacted. If an EGSC Counselor is not available, call the GA Crisis 和 Access Line 和 notify the EGSC Public Safety Department.
    • 如果个人同意,GA危机和访问热线辅导员将评估 个人决定稳定其症状所需的护理水平
    • 如果个人需要住院危机稳定服务,GA危机和 访问线路顾问将完成1013证书,以允许EGSC公共安全 Department to transport the individual to the nearest Emergency Room.
    • 如果个人拒绝GA危机和访问热线顾问的评估 抵达校园后,EGSC公共安全部将记录拒绝和联系 a counselor from the EGSC Office of Counseling 和 Disability Services. EGSC顾问 会否填妥EGSC公共安全证明书以运送该名人士 斯温斯伯勒的伊曼纽尔医疗中心和东乔治亚地区医疗中心 in 斯泰茨伯勒 for further assessment. The documentation from the EGSC counselor which 可能包括评估和建议将提供给伊曼纽尔医疗 Center 和 East Georgia Regional Medical Center Emergency Receiving Department.
程序 for Managing a Psychological 和 Medical Crisis between  8:00 a.m. 和 5:00 p.m. (Swainsboro /斯泰茨伯勒 校园): 

If an individual reports or experiences a medical 和 psychological crisis (a few 例子包括故意服药过量、割腕或开枪自杀 wound), the faculty member, supervisor or the first person on the scene will: 

    • 拨打911拨打紧急服务(EGSC公共安全将在911时得到通知 is dialed) 和 state the nature of the emergency. If an ambulance is unavailable, EGSC公共安全部将把个人运送到最近的紧急接收处 设施.
    • 教职员工、主管或第一个在场的人将留在个人身边 (或保持安全距离观察),直到紧急服务到达.
    • The Director of Counseling 和 the Vice President of Academic 和 Student Affairs 应尽快由EGSC公共安全部门通知事件,但没有 later than 1 hour after the emergency plan was executed.
    • EGSC Public Safety will complete an incident report 和 notify the President
    • 请注意,属于这一类的人将在医学上稳定下来 before the psychological concerns are addressed.
    • 如果是学生,EGSC辅导员将在24小时内跟进.
在斯泰茨伯勒处理心理或心理/医疗危机的程序 和 Swainsboro 校园 before 8:00 a.m. 下午5点以后.m. 

当一个人正在经历心理危机时,请拨打格鲁吉亚危机和访问热线 8点前的危机.0.下午5点以后.m. Dial 911 if an individual is experiencing a psychological/medical crisis. 

十大彩票游戏平台号心理和心理/医疗危机处理程序 校园

十大彩票游戏平台校园的心理危机将由十大彩票游戏平台大学管理 Counseling 和 Psychological Services by dialing 706-737-1471. Dial 911 if an individual is experiencing a psychological/medical crisis. Augusta University Counseling 和 心理服务部门会将个人转介至EGSC咨询和残疾中心 跟进服务. 

****重要注意事项****在涉及学生的紧急情况下,授权 在紧急情况下发布信息表格将由 EGSC Counselor or EGSC Public Safety Officer to notify the "Emergency Contact" of 这种情况. 

Public Safety Contact Numbers: 
Swainsboro: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 478-289-2090
Swainsboro: Weekends 和 Nights 478-455-0125
斯泰茨伯勒: 912-623-2462
Georgia Southern University Police: 912-478-5234
Augusta - Augusta University 校园 Police:  706-721-2911


EGSC Office of Counseling 和 Disability Services:
Swainsboro /十大彩票游戏平台 478-289-2182 or 478-289-2039
斯泰茨伯勒 912-623-2469 or 912-623-2438


Additional Support Numbers:
    • Georgia Crisis Access Line - 1-800-715-4225
    • Crisis Text Line - Text 741741
    • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
Authorization for Release of Information During Emergency Situations

学生的名字 : ____________________________________       学生证 #____________________

十大彩票平台紧急情况下为学生提供支持 College (EGSC) is a priority.  In the event EGSC believes it is necessary or appropriate 联系被确定为“紧急联系人”的学生,所有的努力将 在披露有关信息之前,必须获得书面许可 这种情况. However, if at the time of the emergency, students are unable to give 书面或口头许可向其披露与紧急情况有关的信息 因严重受伤、失去意识或其他丧失行为能力而导致的“紧急联系” 条件,学生,通过签署以下授权EGSC同意发布信息 to the “Emergency Contact.” 

学生签名 ____________________________________           日期 : ________________________